Well it's Monday morning and I am back at work. Well sort of back at work - I am getting the bulk packs ready for school next Monday. The school room floor is covered with the school work. It will be orgainsed by lunch time.

When I got to work I fed the chooks and this is what I saw. They mustn't be very old but old enough that they have lost all their really fluff feathers. I think they are so cute at this age then they become ugly.

This really big wallaby sat and watched me this morning while I was opening one of the gates on the way out to work. These guys are so quite and so solid that I wouldn't want to hit one. This guy must have been around a fiar time as he is missing half of one ear and the other one has lots of cuts in it. Must have been in a few fights.

This is where I nearly got bogged. I was not happy. The brakes in "J's" ute wouldn't work so I sort of had some fun. Before stopping then even with the four wheel drive locked in I still slide every where. I am not a fan of driving in the mud.

These next two flowers were at the property where "J" works. I just love taking photos of flowers espically with rain drops. They look so fresh and healthy.

The power went out - 1minute and 35seconds before the end of the football grand final (No I don't follow football but know this as we were at the pub when it went out)
I came home after the BBQ and did my sudoka puzzles by candle light till J came home. It was so hot and sticky due to all the storms that were happening that I was very glad when the power came back on half way through the night.

Following photos are a few of the storm that was going around. It was nice when it was raining but when it stopped to was very sticky.
I think they are called Bird of Paradise. The colours are so crisp.

This is me getting ready to do the presentation on Sunday after the tennis matches had finished. I am not the kind of person who gets up in front of people and give speeches let alone present prizes, but everyone siad that I did a great job and they were very happy with all the work that I had done over the two days.

This is the only photo I took on Saturday. The majority of my day was spent at the tennis courts and Then I was fairly busy so will have more written words for todays entry.
That's about all I have for today. I had better get back to work and finish sorting out the bulk packs (the girls school work for the term is sent out in a pack and then I sort it out into weeks work and then days work)
Enjoy the rest of your MONDAY.
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