I had made these clay pieces a while back. I painted them on Friday and now they are sitting on my desk.
The banana was created for "Cheeky" - the school room mascot and guard monkey - the girls thought he would get hungry over the weekends so I made the banana for him - the girls think that Cheeky likes his banana...What do you think
The roses that I had photographed last week had started to die off so I trimmed them all off, for "H" - I kept the petals so the girls and I can make something with the once they have dried out - I was taking all the middle pieces out and dropping them into the bucket - this is what I saw when I had finished - don't know why but looking at this seemed to be relaxing for me.
Rose Petals - I sat out the front of the house at work and kept running my hand through the petals listening to the rainbow birds calling out to each other and watching the day come to an end - It was soooo relaxing.

Had better go and do some work
Till next time
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