Painting Course Now
Have a great week see you all around the 10th.
Hello everyone. This blog of mine contains different art works that I paint, different scrap jorurnals and scrap pages that I create, different items that I create and just photos of everyday things in my life that grab my attention. Sit back and enjoy looking at the different things I create to pass my time.
Painting Course Now
Have a great week see you all around the 10th.
That's all for today - I will be away for the next week so this will be my last post until the 10th of November - unless I find the time at home to post - It will be a busy post as I will have a week of creative things as Creative Everyday Month starts on Saturday - Looking forward to seeing what other people are doing for there creative month.
Till next time
Enjoy the rest of you week
I had made these clay pieces a while back. I painted them on Friday and now they are sitting on my desk.
The banana was created for "Cheeky" - the school room mascot and guard monkey - the girls thought he would get hungry over the weekends so I made the banana for him - the girls think that Cheeky likes his banana...What do you think
The roses that I had photographed last week had started to die off so I trimmed them all off, for "H" - I kept the petals so the girls and I can make something with the once they have dried out - I was taking all the middle pieces out and dropping them into the bucket - this is what I saw when I had finished - don't know why but looking at this seemed to be relaxing for me.
Rose Petals - I sat out the front of the house at work and kept running my hand through the petals listening to the rainbow birds calling out to each other and watching the day come to an end - It was soooo relaxing.
Two Quick Photos for you......
I was greeted by this little guy this morning on the way to the school room - Love spring cause of baby animals - don't like what the baby rabbits grow as they eat everything... But still, it is cute..
One very fat lizard
Saw this lizard yesterday afternoon. Have decided it is the girl one out of the pair that I saw (other one to quick for camera) as she was twice the size. Either it is eating really well or she is about ready to drop her eggs. Hopefully she doesn't lay them under the schoolroom - I like them but don't like them that much.
CREATIVE EVERYDAY WEEK 20th to 26th October
Have joined the Creative Every Day Week. It started yesterday so am including yesterday creativity and today's.
While supervising the girls in the pool yesterday I had some fun with my water colour paints (which I haven't used for ages)very abstract but I like it. It is the view I have while watching the girls.
I thought my Purple Elephant needed a friend so today I made him a Pink Giraffe to keep him company. Both are made out of plasticine.
More Creativity tomorrow - what will it be?????
Enjoy the rest of Tuesday.....
Burning marshmallows on the coals....
To form the perfect marshmallow - soft, sticky and slightly burnt..YUMMY
Had better be going - Can't believe week one has already gone by..
I like to cook but I also don't like to cook...
Like my art work on the pav? Felt like being creative. Mango, strawberries and kiwi mmmmmm
I was also a bit of a fire bug yesterday. Where we walk into the school room there is a fence that was covered with rolly polly. Yesterday when I walked through a rustle in the dead leaves frightened me so after school I put a match to it. Porbably shouldn't have as it was very windy but I don't like not being able to see, and seeing as it is warming up, I want to beable to see any reptiles that may come near.
The moon at the moment is full so it is really bright. Tried to take apicture if it last night but must have been a bit to dark as it went fuzzy - flash made it go totally yuck.
The one I took this morning was much better - bright orange ball.
I posted a while back a white flwoer that was out the front of the house where I work. Well here is another one that is flowering. I wish I had been here over the three weeks cause there are six dried up ones which would have looked cool.
Said I was going to put up a challange today - here it is
Challenge one -
On a layout, in your scrap journal, on a canvas or as a mini book
Create a mosaic collage of your favourite topic using squares no bigger the 5cm by 5cm- this can either be done buy cutting the square out of magazines, cutting squares out of paper then drawing on the squares or a mixture of the two.
Will post my work later as I haven't time at the moment.
Let me know how you go with the challenge.
Happy Wednesday