Monday, November 10

Monday 10th AEDM

Well I got my knitting finished today - which I am very happy about - Don't know if it is very clear but I have knitted a teddy bear. It is off in the post tomorrow to my wonderful Mum who will sew and stuff her for me. All three girls have made requests for one so keep a eye out as they will be appearing here when they are finished.

INCHY BY INCH - this weeks theme was all things that glitter - so I made my inchy by knitting an inch square out of glittery wool - only because I could - no other reason why.



Fiona said...

Emma - what an unusual inchy- how do you manage to knit something so small!!! Great take on the challenge.

Timaree said...

I think that's a great way to make an inchy and what better reason than "because I can". Your girls you take care of are lucky to have you.