Thursday, November 13

ADEM Wed 12th and Thu 13th

What a busy week - it's Thursday already and I feel like it should only be Tuesday.

Have been busy with paints today and yesterday - still working on my shadow one - just doesn't seem to be working for me..... Will see what happens

AEDM - Wednesday 12th
This one I call "In the Garden" - very abstract compared to what I like - I was just playing with the paints mixing to see what different combinations I could make with my paints and didn't want to waste the paint...

I also knitted this teddy for my Little Sister - I need a name for her.... Have so many but need to choose one... May Be My Little Sister will have to choose

AEDM - Thursday 13th

This painting called Cheeky (he is our school room mascot) was one I did for my painting course today.

Doesn't really show up in the fianlly painting (does in this half completed one) but the way I have applied the paint makes it look more like his hair.
Can't really see it in this picture but I have scratched Cheeky's outline into the paint - my desk isn't pink but it was shiny so I used the pink metalic cardboard as my background to give it a bit of a shine.

I really surprised myself with this painting and am very happy with the way it turned out.

It took nearly an hour to make the brown colour for his hair - wish I had a tube of brown paint not just red, yellow, blue, white and black but it does show you can make any colours from the primary colours.
Well that's it for today
Time for swimming.......
Till next time
Happy Living

1 comment:

Leah said...

i love all the bumblebees in "in the garden"!