What a Friday!!!
We had all tpyes of weather in the one day.
First:- hot and sticky (very humid)
Second:- strong winds that we just annoying - didn't do any major damage that I know of but was hard to walk and drive in.
Thrid:- Dust, Red dust.
Fourth:- Cold weather and cool breezes
Fifth:- Heavy rain drops - very quick showers
Sixth:- Hail - very small stones, very quick shower
Seventh:- Clear Blue skies
Eighth:- Storm clouds with lightning show
Here are some photos that I took of the dust strom.
The Dust storm front moving in.
Very Close Dust Storm Front - very strong winds

Driving in the storm - was very surprised at how still it was compared to before the storm hit.
Look at how red the dust is - no photo enhancing needed that is the colour of the dust.

Shelley's Puppies
They are nearly a week old and look at how much they have grown. When I last wrote I said that Shelley had six well she had another one on Monday while I was at work - so in total she had 4 girls and 3 boys.
They are still soo cute.
Seven hungry little puppies.
I love how their eyes are all squished up and closed, and their little pink noses.

This one is my favourite one so far - I just like the colours. Plus it is the runt of the litter.

A Rainbow to finish off the day - after the hail strom (not really a hail storm) went over we were greeted with this sight.

Well that's it for the moment
Hopefully I will have more time later to post my AEDM items - Dust storm photos are Friday's items.
I can't believe that is only 27 days till Christams - where has the year gone??
Happy creating everyone