Well to start with item 21 on my 26 things I want to do in 2010 is not happening as much as I would like it to be. I had great plans at the start of the year to blog on a regular basis along with studying by corrospondance for my Degree in Early Childhood at uni and working part time with Jason. 

Turns out Jason needed me for nearly the full month of Feb and March to work. Don't get me wrong I love the work espically when I have views like this while on the motorbike.

For those of you who don't know this is a Mulga Spider. They build very large and strong webs in mulga trees and around scrub. They and in the hundreds out where we have been mustering and give a nasty bite if need be. Funny story (well i can laugh about it now) I did the strip in the middle of the paddock due to one of these guys. Riding through some thick scrub following a mob of sheep and had to turn a sharp turn to avoid a large tree scrub, well in avoiding the scrub I rode straight into one of these guys webs with the spider hitting me right in the middle of the face. Well the motor bike was dropped and the shirt and singlet came off, making sure the spider didn't stay where it was not wanted. So here I am in the middle of the scrub with only my jeans and bra on, with the motor bike lying on it's side. Jason was very disappointed that he didn't get to see me.
So along with working with Jason and completeing my first two Uni essay's I haven't had much time for anything else apart from a few words here and there in my daily journal.
Today I have finished all my house work. Have put on my green thumb and planted some bulbs seeing as it is such a lovely day and have now made myself a cup of my favourite coffee and decieded it is time to update my blog. So here I am.
So much has happened since I have last written and not much has happened at all.
As I said I am studying for my Uni Degree in Childcare, which I have wanted to do for a while now. It is a lot harder then I thought it was going to be - well harder then the last three TAFE courses I have done but I have sent my first two essay's off and now have two weeks where I don't have to worry about reading any modules or researching so I am going to catch up on my 26 things I want to do in 2010. See side bar for my list.
Item 3 - I don't have any photos for this as they are in the book already but am still going with this, so far my themes have been Jan - nature up close, Feb - The story they could tell, Mar - drink any one, April - ABC of my daily life and for May i have chosen self portraits with a view.
When scanner is working will show you all how I am recording these photos.
Item 10 - I have been walking every night for the majority of the year with another lady in town. I am now needing a belt on my jeans so must be slimming down.
Item 11 - Have signed up for another class by Elsie - Telling my Story - sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Will also be joining in with Ali and her Week In Life Challenge. Find out more here http://abeautifulmess.typepad.com/my_weblog/ and here http://www.aliedwards.com/
Item 12 - So far everyone who has celebrated a birthday in my family or close friends have recieved a hand made card and they all love them.
Item 17 - have finished one cross stitch and have nearly finished my clown tapestry that I started when I was in year 10 (1998) will photography when I have finished
Item 19 - I have just finished reading these six books - five by Keri Smith and the other by Ralph Fletcher. I am so inspired but what I have read in these books that I am going to have to try some of the ideas myself.
Now for some completly random photos.
Having Fun with Ryan (my nephew) and Amy (my niece) while my brother, sister inlaw nephew an
d niece visited at Easter time.

Sun trying to come through the fog which we had the other morning. One of the many beautiful sunrises that I see while sitting out the front on my new (part time study/craft desk)

Well that's it for this blog entry. We are going away for the rest of the week but hopefully I will be able to post next week as I am not working for a while, and I don't have uni study to complete.
Till next time
Happy Creating
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