Well I have started my "A week in my Life" challenge which I have seen on Ali Edwards blog http://www.aliedwards.com/.
I know that I keep a daily journal, but this is something a little extra. Normally I only document parts of my day or week where for this week I am documenting a lot more about what I do each day.
Here is my entry for Monday 19th of April. The pages are not completely finished as I still have more journalling and other bits and pieces to add to them.

I also started my "Tell your story" class that Elise and Rachel are running. So anything I do for "Tell your story" credit goes to these two very creative ladies.
Here is my first page. It is not complete as I am waiting on paint and glue to dry before adding more inforamtion to it.

Any way that's it for me for this blog.
Am off for my evening walk with C.
Till next time Happy Creating
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