First Off - The view I had this morning while having my coffee...

Second Prompt -

Prompt three -
Hello everyone. This blog of mine contains different art works that I paint, different scrap jorurnals and scrap pages that I create, different items that I create and just photos of everyday things in my life that grab my attention. Sit back and enjoy looking at the different things I create to pass my time.
Not exactly how they said to do the pages but I didn't have some of the items and seeing as I am not buying anything new and want to use up what is in my craft drawers (item number 1 on my 26 things list) so I improvised a bit.
Well that's it for today. washing machine is beeping at me so had better go hang out the clothes.
Till Next Time
Happy Creating
Well that's it for this entry
Till next time
Happy Creating
Well that's it for me today. Bourke show is on so might head into town and have a look around and see how my art work went.
Item 9 on my 26 things I want to do in 2010 - I only entried 4 art works instead of six. I completed five but was not happy with the drawing so didn't send it.
Will post my pictures here when I get them back.
Only four more days till "Tell your story" classes start. I am so looking forward to this. Something different for me to try. Will post pages when I have a chance.
Time to go and have a coffee and the last of the hot cross buns.
Till next time
Happy Creating
Any way that's it for me for this blog.
Am off for my evening walk with C.
Till next time Happy Creating