Thursday, September 25
RELAXING WEEKEND looking at artwork
I half finished my cleaning of my scrap corner. You can now see the floor - but can't see the spare bed or the desk. At the moment I am sitting on the floor typing this.
Had an amazing time away in Mudge with the family over the weekend. Saw lots of eye opening artwork. It is Mudge's main tourist time at the moment and all the shop windows show case so of the local artists work. Three lots of work that grab my attention were -
VERONICA BURNS - She is a glass artist. (google her name to see some of her work) She makes plates out of glass by heating them to 790 c then pouring it into moulds. She mixes colours and different textures into her work.
I can't remember who did what but I also liked - HELEN DOBLE and JAN IRVINE NEALIE - one of them makes wall hangings out of felt and the other paints picturesonto material them sews stiches through it, to make the picture stand out.
There were lots of other artists who I enjoyed looking at but these three stood out.
Not much else to write about at the moment. I am going to pamper myself and maybe it will make me feel better.
Till next time
Wednesday, September 24
Busy Busy Busy
Tuesday, September 16

I love how they always turn out different even though you use the same technique.
Hopefully "H" will find some white cotton shirts for the girls while she is away so that we can do some more tie dying. I think I will have to find myself a white shirt as well.

Coming soon - I will be putting up small challenges for you to do. They will cover a variety of areas in the artistic world.
You can do them for yourself or leave a comment so I know what you thought of them.
I will be posting my takes of the challenge for you all to see.
If you have any ideas for challenges let me know and I will include them.
Scrapbooking Projects

Monday, September 15
At the moment there is a dust storm happening. It has been on the horizon since smoko this morning but just before lunch it decided to hit.
I have lots of things to show from my scrap booking weekend but due to dust I am on a different computer and don't have my things I want to show.
Hopefully tomorrow we won't have the dust - surely after three days we can have a break from it. Fingers, toes, legs and arms are all crossed - hoping it will go away. And then I will beable to put up the things I want to show you.
till next time - without dust in my eyes, ears, hair, mouth and nose
Thursday, September 11
Nature Photos 3 of 3
Nature Photos 2 of 3
Nature Photos 1 of 3
Wednesday, September 10
fallible \FAL-uh-bul\, adjective:
1. Liable to make a mistake.
2. Liable to be inaccurate or erroneous.
But human beings are fallible. We know we all make mistakes.-- Robert S. McNamara, "et al.", Argument Without End
I like the part - Argument without End. It is so true when you think about it.
Othere words that I like are:
virago \vuh-RAH-go; vuh-RAY-go\, noun:
1. A woman of extraordinary stature, strength, and courage.
2. A woman regarded as loud, scolding, ill-tempered, quarrelsome, or overbearing.
Sounds like me some days
comestible \kuh-MES-tuh-buhl\, adjective:
1. Suitable to be eaten; edible.
1. Something suitable to be eaten; food.
There are some strange words in our language.
Till next time
More ink work
Here are some more ink works that I have been experimenting with.
The first two are washes.
I have tried to recreate the storm clouds that I saw on the horizon when I was traveling home. It didn't turn out how I would have liked but I still like it.
This one I like. I drew circles all over the page and then filled in the areas with different shades of the ink. I think it is really affective.
This last one is a resist with glitter. I had a couple of glitter tubes sitting on the desk and thought I would experiment. It didn't turn out like I thought it would. It is a different affect.
I have been looking through google images looking at different ink techniques and have found that you can use anything with inks.
I really enjoy using pastels with the inks as they are easy to use and add colour where I want it.
Have a great day.
Tuesday, September 2
Creative things from last week
Finally have time to put my creative things up from lasts week Creative Everyday Challenge by Leah.
Here are my creations.

These flowers were created be me tracing pictures in magazines which have things to do with spring. I normally make square patterns with a theme - food, clothes, accessories so thought why not a cirlce one for spring.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Will post more when I have more to post.
Monday, September 1
What a lovely day it is today, (Apart from the snake near the house)
Have been busy and haven't had time to post things. Will post things tomorrow.
Enjoy the rest of the beautiful Spring Day