Now for some completly random photos: -
I love the cooler nights sitting around the camp fire. In this photo I am writing in my daily journal - a new one for May.
Another Month, Another Journal, Another Memory made.

It's not very clear in this photo but I am holding a very small wild piglet. We were driving home and came across a sow and her babies. As much as I like piglets I don't like what they do to the baby lambs once they grow up. Needless to say I didn't keep this one......

We finally have our new wood heater. Stage one is complete, heater is in one piece and in the lounge room roughly where we want it. By stage five we might be burning wood in it. Hopefully the nights stay the way they are and we won't need to light it for a while.

Here are my next lot of entries in my Tell your Story Journal thanks to Elsie and Rachel for all the great ideas.
Elsie made a comment about the weekend being a good time to get the creative juices flowing. I had to laugh I seem to find more time in my working week then on weekends Amybe because I scheldule craft into my monday to friday daily routine where on the weekend I don't......
I have been wanting to use material in my journals for a while now and just haven't but now I am using my collection of "just cause I like the pattern" material on my pages. Thanks again for a great class and prompts.
Prompt:- Three Wishes:-

1 - To laugh more, 2 - To cook more yummy meals, 3 - To create and not feel guilty
Prompt - Deep Down
For this one we needed to write our most inner thoughts. Well I didn't want to show every one what I had written so I have made a secret pocket for my Deep Down thoughts to be hidden from view.

This page has been decorated with colour patches out of paint catolgues. I have been trying to decide what colour I am going to paint the kitchen, lounge room and office so have paint catolgues every where. Still not sure what colour I am going to paint them - to many to choose from.....
Prompt - Dream List

Dreams - # to have a large and healthy family, # to have my book published, # to own our own property, # to discover new things every day no matter my age.
Prompt - Forever and ever
Make the page pretty using material

Prompt - Fill a page with favourite photos

I found this sticker while unpacking the wood heater and thought it would go well on my Tell your Story journal cover. My journal is filling up with lots of creative weight......

Well that's it for another entry
Till next time
Happy Creating
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