Where has the time gone? It has been nearly a month since I have written and I haven't completed anything on my list that I want to complete before Christmas.
Most recent things I have been doing: -
Playing with my camera setting while checking waters on the property we are looking after over Christmas

Swimming in the river keeping cool on the hots days we have been having.

The cows on the place we are looking after didn't like Milo (Jason's dog) so they came closer to scare him away, They scared me more then they scared Milo.

The cool colours in the high tops that have been building up for the last two days. They are predicting rain for us over Christmas so lets hope they are right.
Onto other things
It's a bit hard to do things on my list when I am out helping Jason on the property that he works. We were leaving at 4 in the morning so that we could be out int the paddocks ready to muster the sheep as soon as it was day break and Jason's boss could see in the plane. The only good thing about being up this early is that I saw some beautiful sun rises and a beautiful moon set. I wasn't going to take my good camera on the bike with me and my old smaller camera didn't have any batteries. So I was unable to record any of the sunrises on film. I did manage to sketch some of the views in my little pocket note book that I had on the bike with me. Hopefully when my new scanner arrives today – old one doesn't like my new laptop – I will be able to scan the pictures in and show you.
Now onto some random photos from while we have been away picking up Jason's new ute and from my Family Christmas dinner that we had early due to Jason and I spending Christmas in Louth with his Mum.
Jason and My Dad cooking the BBQ

Trudy had some fun with the table decorations - Ho Ho Ho - My Christmas Drink...

Hasn't my niece Amy grown. I can't believe that she is now eight months old – where does the time go?

Ryan (my nephew) loves to read books and he loves his Uncle Jason so while we were cleaning the mess up Ryan read books to Jason.

I gave Ryan two little plastic frogs that when you push down on them they jump. Well come dessert time the frogs appeared on the table and I don't know who had more fun with them Ryan or the rest of us. The frogs some how kept landing in the dessert bowls....... Lots of Laughs.

On returning from Narromine Mum and Dad cleaned out their storage container and we brought home my crystal cabinet and a desk. As well as five boxes of memories for me to sort through, and a box of novels.

When we got home the desk didn't fit where I wanted it to fit so I have had to have a major clean up and move around in the my craft corner/spare room.
Before moving
During the moving

I still haven't finished moving things around hence there is no after photo. Hopefully today or tomorrow I will be able to finish organising the house as we will hopefully have visitors after Christmas and at the moment they have no where to sleep.
Well that's it for this entry. Might write again soon but am not promising anything.
Till Then
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