Thursday, October 7
No photo entry
Just a few count down days for you all:-
24 days till Creative ever day of November starts (I am definitely doing this again) see here for details.
35 days till November 11th – Remembrance Day
79 days till Christmas
86 days and we will be in 2011
108 days till I celebrate my 27th birthday
And Lastly 451 days and we will be in year 2012.
Now onto my 26 things I want to do in 2010 – seeing as I only have 85 days to complete them all……..(see side bar for my list)
Item 26 – am definitely having lots of fun this year.
Item 25 – Haven’t taught him to dance properly but have had a few part dances listening to the radio
Item 23 – Have slightly changed this one – am not completing her 100 ideas but am working through a couple of her books which are the same concept
Item 22 – have completed this one a few time now and still have three rallies to go (that I know of)
Item 21 - …………………. Maybe next year
Item 20 – didn’t get to attend Trilby due to cancelation – but was able to catch up with a few of the girls for the day.
Item 19 – I am up to book 23 or 24
Item 17 – I still have six items to complete
Item 16 – Have created six mini albums and have two more I would like to try (maybe today due to it being cold and wet)
Item 15 – Slowly completing the Album am up to page 8.
Item 14 – have all written journaling ready in the rings, just need to print the photos……
Item 13 – One more trip to go – hopefully a camping/fishing trip in December
Item 11 – Have joined an online class, which I am looking forward to doing. Will show photos when I can. I am also participating in Art Every Day Month in November. So that will be four challenges for the year
Item 8 – have all the cupboards and stuff for the new walls, just need hubby to have time to help me pull it all out and put it all back together.
Item 7 – Have the paint just need the time.
Item 5 – Due to all the lovely rain we have been having this spring the lawn around the house has taken off by it’s self.
Item 4 – I changed this to 8 x 8 inch pages and completed one each day in September for my scrap journal entries.
Item 3 – I have missed two months out of 10 so not doing to bad.
Item 1 – Haven’t used everything but my stash is starting to look neater.
I will have to start thinking about what I would like to achieve next year – 27 things – half will be similar to this year and other things will be new or a bit more challenging/easy.
Today has the feel that it is going to be cold and wet so I think a day of crafting is in order.
Well that’s it for this entry. Till Next Time
Happy Creating.
Saturday, September 4

I love the zoom on my camera. (Thanks for buying it for me Jason)
Well that's it for this blog entry.
Till Next time
Happy Creating.
Thursday, July 1
It's Official It's Winter.........




I have a pile of activities from "Tell your Story" that I still want to do but at the moment time just seems to be not avaiable for me. Maybe during the school holidays.
Seeing as we are half way thorugh the year I should do an update on my 26 things to do list. Here goes.
Item 3 - still doing this May was self portraits, June was all things to do with winter and July will be parts of my everyday life.
Item 7 - Paint will be purchased next trip to dubbo - have choosen my colours.
Item 8 - I have all the cupboards to put the kitchen in I just need to get the paint and the lino for the floor. Next trip to Dubbo they will be in the ute.
Item 17 - have one cross stitch, one tapestry, and one painting under way from out of my box.
Item 19 - Am up to 12 books.
Item 22 - Helped out at our local field day which was a great success but it was a long day.
Well that's it for this blog entry.
Hopefully I will be back again before two months are up.....
Till Next Time
Happy Creating
Saturday, May 8
What a Day.........

Tuesday, May 4

Well that's it for another entry
Till next time
Happy Creating