Now before you say anything about that's it's the first of July not the first of June and it's the second month of winter not the first month so how can it be officially winter! That is easy. We have been having beautiful weather all through June with the days being warm enough to where just a long sleeve shirt without a jumper then two days ago we had our first real frost for the winter. It was minus 5 degrees outside and the frost stayed around for a while. Now the weather has been cold and you need to either stay out of the wind and in the sun or have jumpers on.Here are some photos I took.

The ice was not quite one cm on the top of the car.
Now onto some other things I have been up to. It has been over two months since I last blogged and that is due to helping Jason with mustering for shearing (where he works not for ourselves)as well as helping with the yard work. That was for the whole of May and by the time I was getting up at 5.30 most mornings and not getting back till around 6 at night the last thing I wanted to do was sit in front of a computer. One thing I enjoy about working with Jason and the times I work I get to see some really beautiful scenes.
Here are a few of my favourites.
Me and my dog BJ
Lots of good grass - not quite as tall as me.
Jason found this guy while moving a mob of sheep I was lucky enough to see him before it buried itself.
One of many emu nests we found while droving sheep. This one had two emus laying in it as there were two different eggs colours and size.
Dust and setting suns........Yuck for the dust but I do like the outline of the trees glowing through the dust
Riding through scrub to come out at a lake in the middle of no where.
All the dogs working the mob in the yards before breakfast.
Colourful Sunsets....what can I say.....
When I last blogged we had not long got our wood heater in the house. Friends of ours helped Jason put the heater into place. I left for work at the school with a lounge room wall. I came home to this.

There is a logical reason as to why they did what they did - roof would fall down if wall was removed completely. I can live with a frame wall until we have time to put in a proper stucture in. I love wood heaters and while I am writing this I am watching the flames flicker.
Random photos now.
I was lucky enough to be home with the camera to capture these two photos of the full moon on the rise.
Lucky last photo - this is the only craft, creativity I have done for the last two months. I found some small pots of left over paint from an art work I did and decided to use them up before trowing out the pots. Not very exciting I now but I enjoyed it.
I have a pile of activities from "Tell your Story" that I still want to do but at the moment time just seems to be not avaiable for me. Maybe during the school holidays.
Seeing as we are half way thorugh the year I should do an update on my 26 things to do list. Here goes.
Item 3 - still doing this May was self portraits, June was all things to do with winter and July will be parts of my everyday life.
Item 7 - Paint will be purchased next trip to dubbo - have choosen my colours.
Item 8 - I have all the cupboards to put the kitchen in I just need to get the paint and the lino for the floor. Next trip to Dubbo they will be in the ute.
Item 17 - have one cross stitch, one tapestry, and one painting under way from out of my box.
Item 19 - Am up to 12 books.
Item 22 - Helped out at our local field day which was a great success but it was a long day.
Well that's it for this blog entry.
Hopefully I will be back again before two months are up.....
Till Next Time
Happy Creating
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