Yes I know that it is the fourth of September, but due to work commintments and the fact that there is never enough hours in the day to complete everything I haven't had time to update on the first of september when I wanted to.
Any way moving on. This morning/last night around midnight I wole to the lovely sound of rain on the roof. A sound that I will never tirer of hearing. So far we have had 40 points (or 10ml for those who don't understand points) and it's only just gone 6.40am. The weatherman might be right for once and we will have our 20 to 30 ml today.....I said might be as we were suppose to have 10 to 20 ml yesterday.....
As I said before I have been busy working and for a week and a bit in August Jason and I both came down with a flu/cold/virus/annoying thing and we were both bed ridden due to lack of energy. I didn't even feel like doing my daily journal so I was really crock.
Enough writing here are some random photos from July and August.
Out wood cutting with Jason and I found this green frog inside the hollow of the tree trunk. He had to crawl not quite a metre to get to where he was compared to the where the opening was in the log. Must have been nice and warm inside.

Over the Louth Races weekend (the weekend the races didn't happen) a friend of ours, son came up from victoria in a plane and we were lucky enough to go for a fly over Louth and the surrounding area. I had a great time while I was up in the air but on the last corner turning into the air strip I felt really really sick. When I hoped out of the plane I was very pale and needed a few minutes to collect myself before i could move. Apart from that I couldn't get over the view and how green everything is and the contrast between the red soil and the black flood plains.

One way that Jason and I tried to get better while we were sick was to go down to the river and sit and relax on the water's edge with a few fishing rods in. Very relaxing - I was just like a little child playing in the sand.

Here is my Turle creation.

The only creativity that I have made were these two cards that I was getting ready to take to the Trilby Scrapbooking weekend. Unfortunatley due to lack of numbers the weekend had to be cancelled. (so item number 20 on my to do list can not be completed)

Talking about my 26 things list I have enrolled for another on line challenge this month so that now means item 11 will be completed. Also item number 12 has been completed - even though their birthdays haven't happened yet I have made all the cards that I need to so they are ready to post come the right time.
Going for a boat ride to see how high the river has been rising. At the moment it is around 4metres (normal hieght around 1 metre) With all this rain it will hopefully go up even more.

Final Photo -

I love the zoom on my camera. (Thanks for buying it for me Jason)
Well that's it for this blog entry.
Till Next time
Happy Creating.