Friday, January 23


It is 14 after midnight. So it is my birthday (only just). I am 25 to day or as a few people are telling me I'm half way to Fifty. Have not long come back from the pub and am not really tired so thought I would update my postings as I have been away and haven't done so for some time.

If you look closly in this self portrait you can see the two marks on my nose. I hit myself with the gun scope. BOY did it hurt - brought tears to my eyes, I think I might have damaged some part of my nose as it is still sore after 10 days.

Where do I start?????? I have done so much "STUFF" in the last eight days I don't really know where to start. Let me just have a bit of a think.......

First thing after looking at myphotos and scrap journal would have to be the spectaular, breath taking, amazing, unbelieveable lighting show we had here on Thursday night. Jason and I sat and watched the storms build up for over three hours. Unfortuntenly we only recieved 36 points (9mls) It built up again tonight but we only got dust no lighting.
This is one of the better shots I took of the show. 100 photos (contingous shooting) and I have 20 good ones so am ery happy with myself. :-)
Now onto all the STUFF I have been doing. I don't think I will write about the "stuff" unless I think it needs explaining. So here goes

STUFF ONE:- Devils Claw Sculpture (don't know it's proper name but that's what I call it)
Where I work they have devils claw which is a weed that gets stuck in the sheep and on everything else I found a heap of them while I was out walking and I wanted to make a sculpture with them. So here it is

As you can see it has a seed pod and then two really long claws coming out of it. The end of the claws are very sharp hooks that catch onto the sheep as they walk past.

STUUF TWO:- Paper Flowers
I have made these to put in the school room as my desk arrangement.


Did some stamping with the children - only had silver ink so we coloured them in with textas.

STUFF FIVE:- Pink Mouse and Beaded Key Ring
Made the mouse cause I thought he was cute. The key ring is now on my scrap journal to give it a bit of colour.
STUFF SIX:- Water Ballon Painting
Saw this done on a movie and wanted to try it - filled water ballons with ink and then popped the balloons. Didn't work out as well as I had wanted (need thicker paint) but had fun creating the art work - try filling water balloons with paint and you will know what I mean.

One of the children wanted a bomb to go with his rabbit and mouse that we had been making - we didn't have a pattern for him to follow so I created one. I think he turned out alright.
(Date is in correct - didn't realise it was turned on to print on photos)

STUFF EIGHT:- More Necklaces.

Well that's it for my "STUFF" I have been having lots of fun just PLAYING with different things.
Leah has put up the new month challenge for CED and it is "WORDS". It will interesting to see how people use this challenge.
Any way I am now off to bed. I am going fishing for my birthday (there is a Carp Muster on here in town - you catch Carp and then you go into the draw to win prizes. For those of you who don't know Carp aren't a very good fish to have in the river they eat all the food and they are not native to Australia) so hopefully I might win something.
Till I write again

Wednesday, January 14

More Fun things

HI Everyone
Well it is HOT here today and I mean HOT. It is also muggy which is making the day seem worse. Hence the fact most of my to do jobs today are based inside.

Have a look at my groovy snow tree. It came in a science pack that I had ordered to do with the girls I look after. You poor the liquid over the cardboard tree and wait.

This is what the tree looked liked after an hour of me pooring the liquid on it.

This was what the tree looked like the next morning. I think it looks like snow. It is sitting on my desk and when ever I look at it I wish it was cold enough for snow because it is so hot at the moment.

I have also been doing some of the 100 ideas by Keri Smith. I have completed eight of them already. I am doing them while watching TV or when I am waiting for other things to finish.

Oops. Sorry I didn't realise it was the wrong way until now.
Also Sorry about the clearness but I was unable to get a clear shot of them. You can see that the items are all based on different things.

Jason's second cousins are up staying with their Nan and Pop and they were doing crafty things yesterday so I joined in on the fun. We created Plaster of Paris things using models that Jason;s Mum had hidden away.
I created the following animals. We then painted them later that day. I love my green frog.
These little guys are lined up along my wall in front of the computer. I like the brown wombats the best.
They also liked my felt flowers that I had made so I helped them make some for themselves. I made another gumnut flower so at "J" (12) says I now have a Mum and a Dad cause the one with the beard can be the Dad and the pink one can be the Mum. Are you going to make baby gumnut flowers? This made me start thinking. I am now trying to design a gumnut flower that is not open fully to be the babies.

I am back to work tomorrow, and won't have access to a computer until the 24th (My Birthday) so will have lots to post about.


Till the 24th


Sunday, January 11

Lots of Art works

HI Everyone
Jason decided to have a easy day yesterday so we watched movies for most of the day. This was good for me as I did some craft that i had been wanting to do for a while.

Playing with water colour pencils - they needed sharpening so I used the shavings to create this picture rubbing them with my fingers then I drew the flowers when I had finished.
Found a pattern ages ago for Australian felt flowers - I finally made some:-
Waratah Flower and Tree Flower
Gumunt Flower and Pea Flower

Mary Poppins was on TV last night and it is one movie that I really enjoy. This is the page of drawings that I did while watching it.

Well That's it for now.

Till Next time

Happy Creating

Saturday, January 10

Art Work and Puppies

Guten Tag (Hello) everyone,
Well I finally sat down yesterday and played creativily - I should have done this earlier on this year as it was quite relaxing. I experimented with my art work - or played with some ideas.
The first was painting on mirrors. I had some cheap mirror squares that I wanted to put up - they aren't clear enough to see yourself in so I thought about painting on them.
These were the results -
I painted my word onto the mirrors - I can look at the word and "reflect" on how I have used it in my days.
I also did a nine square wall collage - I painted, inked and drew - leaves, flowers and a insect - then stuck them on cardboard then onto the wall. Depending on the time of day different parts shine onto the other walls making patterns - somethng I wasn't expecting.
While in town the other day I found a mini badge maker and I couldn't help myself I had to buy one. I created these badges then clipped them onto my "found" silver dress necklace - Jason reckons I look like a "hippie"....

I am also trying another painting which is a work in progress - I found it in a activity book to do with children - Wet then freeze a piece of paper - take it out and paint on it - place more water on top freeze again - paint another layer - repeat until the painting is finished - defrost paper and then leave to dry. Am up to my third layer today - am working with water paints, water pencils and water crayons to create layers.
Now for some cute photos
"I am coming out to play" (Coco)
"Enough swimming! We want out!!" (Oates and Coco)
"What!! We weren't going to wake Mum up." (ChowChow, Coco and Oates)
"I've had enough playing today. Bye" (Coco)

Well that's it for now.

Might go and paint my next ice layer.

Auf Wiedersehen (Goodbye)

Happy Creating

Thursday, January 8

My New/Rearranged Scrap/spare room

Well it has only taken me 8 days but I have finally finished rearranging my scrap/spare room and I can now see the floor :-)
Couple of photos to show you.....
This is as you walk in the door.....

Looking into the room....

There is so much natural light in this room that it makes it so enjoyable to be in here.

My Computer desk and pinboards and art work that I Love....
- My pin boards were empty when I started cleaning my room - I decided it being a new year I would start a fresh - well it didn't take long for me to find things to pin up that inspire me and make me happy.
- I am into flowers at the moment so I have lots of vases of fake flowers around my area - the big ones behind the computer are the ones that Jason bought for me for Christmas - He said that real ones won't last so will these do? - Boy - do I love Him
My scrapjournalling and craft table...... - The wooden slate at the back has all my dried roses hanging on it - I don't like fresh roses but I do like them dried - don't have any roses growing myself but myGrandmother has lots of them and she doesn't mind me picking and drying them
- Not very clear but next to the teddy bears on the left hand side of the desk are four triangle shaped jars that my other Grandmother gave me - Trudy (sister) said that they would look good filled with a mixture of lollies - Thanks for the idea Trudy - it has red frogs and chicko babies in the two smaller ones and in the middle size it has a mixture of Sherbets, Milkos and Red Skins. They have a good seal on them which is good.
- I also have my Troll and my Camel (Getin') on my desk as well - They keep watch over everything for me as well as reminding me of good times that I have had.
- The book that is open and the paper on my desk is an activity that I did last year around this time and when I found my book I decieded that I wanted to do it again - It is called - 100 ideas - by Keri Smith - you can find her at and click on 100 ideas - the idea is to cut up the squares then pull one out when ever you want and complete what is on the square. I will be posting these when i complete each one.
One more thing for this post - While cleaning up I found some of Jason's old CD's which he use to listen to in the shearing sheds - I know there is a bit of an age gap between us but apart from three of the artists I have never heard of any of them - I am currently playing them and so far they aren't to bad - Not what I was expecting though. Espically for Shearing Shed Music.
Well the sun is out and it has dried the lawn so I am out to do some mowing - five hours in this room I am ready for some fresh air.
Till Next Time
Happy Creating

Wednesday, January 7

Everything happening at once.....

It is the 7th of January and I have hardly done anything on my to do list that I wanted to have completed by the 9th of January. Looks like I will have two very busy days ahead of me.......

Don't you just love technology...... Since rearranging my scrap/spareroom I have not been able to reconnect with the internet - it just kept telling me that there was no signal even when it was in the orginal spot where I did have service - so I rang the lovely people who I get my internet connection through and told them nicely that if they didn't fix my internet connection I would not be a nice person to know - they are sending me a different modem so hopefully when that arrives I will have better connection - instead of it dropping out all the time. How do you ask am I typing this at the moment - well it is raining here and very overcast so I am assuming that the clouds are helping transmit the signal from the tower. Probably not but that is what I am hopeing.

Mainly photos for this post.....
This is the sunset that we watched yesterday - we didn't recieve any rain out of it but it is raining now and it is good soaking rain not heavy.

The puppies are well and truly growing up - Jason gave them a bit of roo meat and boy did they love it. They chewed on it like this for nearly half an hour before it was all gone. - left to right - Oated, Coco and Chowchow.
I said in my last post that I was going to paint and rearrange my scrap/spareroom - Well I did manage to rearrange it but I haven't painted it as when I went to town yesterday they didn't have the colours that I wanted so I have put painting off for a while - it might be a spur of the moment thing one weekend.
I loving the way I have set the room up. It still isn't fully set up and clean but I have started on it today and have completed clearing the table and am going to start on the bed after I have finished on the net. Will show you the end results when it is clean.
My cute green frog that posed for a photo. My mother in law to be dosen't like frogs and this one was sitting in front of her air conditioner. I was asked to remove it from her house yard so brought it over home. He just sat like that on the ground after I put him down. So natural I raced to get the camera. I love big green frogs - they are a sign of mositure is coming out here.
Lucky last photo - at the moment we have a flow going past town and has made te river rise over one metre - Jason went to get the boat out so I went for a swim - this is me trying to swim up stream but the water currant is quite strong so I wasn't going any where. Good body work though.
Well I had better get back to my cleaning up - Jason should be home soon and I still haven't done the breakfast dishers so I had better get a move on.
Till next

Thursday, January 1

Plans for 2009

Hi Everyone
Must be orgainsed as this is my second post for today. Me organised Ha Ha Ha.
Jason has decided that it is a no work day so he is having a quite drink at the pub with two mates while I am surfing the net.
Finding lots of new things and just visiting regular websites catching up with everyone.

My plans for 2009? Where do you want me to begin........

I am taking on the "One Word Challenge" Where you choose one word that you can reflect back on through out 2009. My word for 2009 is HALCYON.

HALCYON [hal-see-uhn]
1. calm; peaceful; tranquil: halcyon weather.
2. rich; wealthy; prosperous: halcyon times of peace.
3. happy; joyful; carefree: halcyon days of youth.
4. of or pertaining to the halcyon or kingfisher.–noun
5. a mythical bird, usually identified with the kingfisher, said to breed about the time of the winter solstice in a nest floating on the sea, and to have the power of charming winds and waves into calmness.
6. any of various kingfishers, esp. of the genus Halcyon.

Why have I choosen this word you ask - well I had quite a list of words that I wanted to use and "Calm" was one of them. I them looked up "calm" in my thesaurus and found Halcyon. I had never heard of this word so looked up the meaning at and decided that was the word for me.
In 2009 I want to be all of the things that the dictionary meaning says - I just didn't know there was a word to describe it all. PLus I love watching the Rainbow Bee Eaters at work and they are a type of Kingfisher - so it is kind of scary that I have found this word.

This year I am also partaking in the Creative Everyday Challenges (see side bar) and I love the topic Leah has choosen for us - PLAY - I will be doing lots of playing with my art - I found so many things through my cleaning/detoxing/rearranging that I don't know where to begin. I will be keeping you all up to date with what ever I create.

I am also doing my daily scrap journalling which I will include in the odd blog post - depending on what I am doing.

What else am I doing this year?????? I am planning on my trip over seas to Germany. Only 26 weeks and I will hopefully be on the side of the world. I am so looking forward to my trip but am also a little scared - Jason said it will be a real eye opener for me - going for a town with 40 people to towns with over 10000........... I WILL SURVIVE!

That is about all I can think of at the moment that I will be doing in 2009. I will let you know if anything more comes up.

I had better go - more net surfing to do...

HAPPY NEW YEAR - Only 364 days unil 2010.


Well Another year is over and a new one has just begun.......
Jason and I spent New Years Eve with friends at the local pub. We were lucky enough to have some fire works as well. Don't know who enjoyed the fireworks more, the children or the adults.